- I have supervised over 20 PhD students, 17 postdoctoral fellows, 4 HDR (French degree for research supervision) and 7 PhD visitors (one to four months stays in my team, from Europe, Mexico and Russia). By the end 2023, I will co-advise four PhD students from the School of Aeronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Of my past PhD students, 7 of them are University Professor or Associate Professor and all others hold major R&D positions in industrial sector (except one who works in tertiary sector). Some of them received renowned awards, for example:
![]() Anca Gheorghe, France’s Aerospace Valley award, 2014 ![]() Pascal Simon, “European PhD Day”, Airbus, Toulouse, France, 2009. ![]() Alexandre Falcoz, French Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (3AF) award, 2015 Below is a selected list of my past PhD students together with their future after PhD:
Below some postdocs fellows under my supervision since 2018:
And some past postdoc fellows (period 2011-2015) :
- 2010-2011: Denis Efimov (PhD: St Petersburg State University, Russia). Denis is now a senior researcher at INRIA-Lille, France. See at here.
- 2011-2012: Emilie Roche (PhD: GIPSA-lab, U-Grenoble, France). She works at Safran Electronics & Defense (Massy, France) as engineer.
- 2012-2013: Alejandra Ferreira de Loza (PhD : UNAM, Mexico). She is now a research associate at Centro de Investigacion Y DESA, Mexico.
- 2013-2014: Souad Bezzaoucha (PhD: CRAN, U-Nancy). She is now a researcher at Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- As any university professor in France, about half of my working time is devoted to teaching and supervision of student projects.
- At undergraduate level, I teach mainly automatic control and signal processing at IUT de Bordeaux (Département Mesures Physiques) where I supervise also lab activities, projects and training.
- At graduate level, I used to teach system identification, estimation methods, fault diagnosis and numerical methods for advanced control design. I had been Deputy director and Director of doctoral studies in control, signals and systems of the Bordeaux University for several years. I continue to supervise Master projects in Automatic Control. As member of innovation comity board of the Bordeaux University, I participate to the selection/evaluation/funding process of the most innovative student projects in all disciplines (at graduate and undergraduate levels).
- In other countries, I have given a number of invited lectures in Europe and China at Master and PhD level.. By the end of 2023, it is planned to give a series of lectures and co-advise PhD students at the School of Aeronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. I have also participated to several international PhD examination committees in Europe: Germany (University of Duisburg-Essen); Netherlands (Delft University of Technology), or Italy (Politecnico di Torino).
A thesis defence in TuDelft (NL)
Below, some undergraduate study materials in French (DUT-BUT):
2020 – 2021 (in French)
- IUT de Bordeaux – SGM (Automatique – mini-project — S3): Télécharger le planning de soutenances ici et le texte du mini-projet ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP Traitement du Signal — S3): Télécharger ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (PTUT, S3-S4): Télécharger le sujet ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (cours visio 2 + TF + PC): Télécharger ici et ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP de TdE — S4): Télécharger ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – SGM (Automatique – mini-project — S3): Télécharger le planning de soutenances ici et le texte du mini-projet ici.
2021- 2022 (in French)
- IUT de Bordeaux – SGM (TP Asservissements): Télécharger ici
- IUT de Bordeaux – SGM (Slides Cours): Télécharger ici
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP Traitement du Signal): Télécharger ici
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Traitement de Données Expérimentales – S4): Télécharger le texte ici et les fichiers de données ici et ici.
2022- 2023 (in French)
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP Traitement du Signal – R304 / BUT2): Télécharger ici
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Alternants – BUT2). Télécharger le texte ici + les fichiers de données: bench_aero; température et ozone.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (BUT2 – projet S4): Télécharger le texte et les fichiers de consommation énergétique.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Alternants – BUT2 – TP Chaine de mesures R4.05). Télécharger le texte ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Alternants – BUT2 – TP Signal R4.04). Télécharger le texte ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (BUT2 – S4 – TP Signal R4.04). Télécharger le texte ici.
- IUT de Bordeaux – MP (BUT2 – S4 – TP Automatique – Chaine de Mesures – R4.05). Télécharger le texte ici.