• I have supervised over 20 PhD students, 17 postdoctoral fellows, 4 HDR (French degree for research supervision) and 7 PhD visitors (one to four months stays in my team, from Europe, Mexico and Russia). By the end 2023, I will co-advise four PhD students from the School of Aeronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Of my past PhD students, 7 of them are University Professor or Associate Professor and all others hold major R&D positions in industrial sector (except one who works in tertiary sector). Some of them received renowned awards, for example:

Anca Gheorghe, France’s Aerospace Valley award, 2014

Pascal Simon, “European PhD Day”, Airbus, Toulouse, France, 2009.

Alexandre Falcoz, French Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (3AF) award, 2015

Below is a selected list of my past PhD students together with their future after PhD:

  • Christophe Loumbet (thesis defense: 2007). Until the end of 2020, he was an associate professor at LAAS, U-Toulouse. He left U-Toulouse in January 2021 for joining a dynamic strat-up (Exotrail, Palaiseau, Ile-de-France) which develops innovating solutions for Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) systems of flight vehicles and rendezvous missions.
  • David Henry (thesis defense: 1998). He is a University Professor (U-Bordeaux, France).
  • Jérôme Cieslak (thesis defense: 2007). He is an associate Professor (U-Bordeaux, France).
  • Madjid Zerar (thesis defense: 2006). He is Responsible Innovation, Charging Ecosystem, Mechatronics and Integration, PSA Group (French automaker), Paris, France.
  • Jing Chang (thesis defense: 2018). She is an associate professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. She holds also an academic position at TuDelft (NL).
  • Ramatou Saydou (thesis defense: 2012). She is chief engineer in aeronautical maintenance (In-flight control), Senegal.
  • Vincent Morio (thesis defense: 2009). He is a senior project manager (expert E) at the “French Defense Procurement Agency” (DGA), Rennes, France. He works on Control, Guidance and system optimisation for rocket projects.
  • Alexandre Falcoz (thesis defense: 2009). He works as an architect and expert at Airbus Defence and Space, Toulouse, France (Space Systems). Awards: (i) He was awarded the best PhD thesis in Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems” aerospace valley, France (2009). (ii) He was awarded by the French Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (3AF) as the best “young researcher/engineer” in aerospace in France, 2015.
  • Rihab El Houda Thabet (thesis defense: 2014). She has held various research fellow positions in Europe after her PhD.
  • Gaetan videau (thesis defense: 2009). He got the best paper award at CIFA IEEE, Bucharest, 2008. He is now a high school director in France.
  • Anca Gheorghe (thesis defense: 2013). She works at Airbus (Toulouse, France) on architecture of cockpit and on-board systems. In 2014, she was awarded the “best PhD thesis in Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems” aerospace valley”, France.
  • Pascal Simon (thesis defense: 2011). He works as Guidance & Control Expert for the “French Defense Procurement Agency” (DGA), France. During his thesis, he was awarded during “European PhD Day”, Airbus, Toulouse, France.
  • Fabien Castang (thesis defense: 2003). He works at Thales, Montréal, Canada, as expert in flight control systems integration and preventive maintenance.

Below some postdocs fellows under my supervision since 2018:

And some past postdoc fellows (period 2011-2015) :

  • 2010-2011: Denis Efimov (PhD: St Petersburg State University, Russia). Denis is now a senior researcher at INRIA-Lille, France. See at here.
  • 2011-2012: Emilie Roche (PhD: GIPSA-lab, U-Grenoble, France). She works at Safran Electronics & Defense (Massy, France) as engineer.
  • 2012-2013: Alejandra Ferreira de Loza (PhD : UNAM, Mexico). She is now a research associate at Centro de Investigacion Y DESA, Mexico.
  • 2013-2014: Souad Bezzaoucha (PhD: CRAN, U-Nancy). She is now a researcher at Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
  • As any university professor in France, about half of my working time is devoted to teaching and supervision of student projects.
  • At undergraduate level, I teach mainly automatic control and signal processing at IUT de Bordeaux (Département Mesures Physiques) where I supervise also lab activities, projects and training.
  • At graduate level, I used to teach system identification, estimation methods, fault diagnosis and numerical methods for advanced control design. I had been Deputy director and Director of doctoral studies in control, signals and systems of the Bordeaux University for several years. I continue to supervise Master projects in Automatic Control. As member of innovation comity board of the Bordeaux University, I participate to the selection/evaluation/funding process of the most innovative student projects in all disciplines (at graduate and undergraduate levels).
  • In other countries, I have given a number of invited lectures in Europe and China at Master and PhD level.

    A thesis defence in TuDelft (NL)

    . By the end of 2023, it is planned to give a series of lectures and co-advise PhD students at the School of Aeronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. I have also participated to several international PhD examination committees in Europe: Germany (University of Duisburg-Essen); Netherlands (Delft University of Technology), or Italy (Politecnico di Torino).

Below, some undergraduate study materials in French (DUT-BUT):

2020 – 2021 (in French)

    • IUT de Bordeaux – SGM (Automatique – mini-project — S3): Télécharger le planning de soutenances ici et le texte du mini-projet ici.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP Traitement du Signal — S3): Télécharger ici.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (PTUT, S3-S4): Télécharger le sujet ici.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (cours visio 2 + TF + PC): Télécharger ici et ici.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP de TdE — S4): Télécharger ici.

2021- 2022 (in French)

    • IUT de Bordeaux – SGM (TP Asservissements): Télécharger ici
    • IUT de Bordeaux – SGM (Slides Cours):  Télécharger ici
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP Traitement du Signal): Télécharger ici
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Traitement de Données Expérimentales – S4): Télécharger le texte ici et les fichiers de données ici et ici.

2022- 2023 (in French)

    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (TP Traitement du Signal – R304 / BUT2): Télécharger ici
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Alternants – BUT2). Télécharger le texte ici + les fichiers de données: bench_aero; température et ozone.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (BUT2 – projet S4): Télécharger le texte et les fichiers de consommation énergétique.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Alternants – BUT2 – TP Chaine de mesures R4.05). Télécharger le texte ici.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (Alternants – BUT2 – TP Signal R4.04). Télécharger le texte ici.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (BUT2 – S4 – TP Signal R4.04). Télécharger le texte ici.
    • IUT de Bordeaux – MP (BUT2 – S4 – TP Automatique – Chaine de Mesures – R4.05). Télécharger le texte ici.