– Web of Science : h-index = 31
– Scopus : : h-index = 32
– ResearchGate : h-index = 36
– GoogleScholar : h-index = 38
Under revision:
Z. Wang, N. Wang, A. Zolghadri, Z. Zhao, Y. Shen (2025). On-orbit interval estimation of satellite inertia parameter based on zonotopic Kalman filter. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
J. Zhang, C. Combastel, D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri (2025). Robust Stability and stabilization of continuous-Time Parameter-Varying Persidskii Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
D. Efimov, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2025). Robust estimation for continuous-time parameter-varying Persidskii systems. Automatica.
Carlos Trapiello, Christophe Combastel, Ali Zolghadri (2024). Verification of Neural Control Systems using Symbolic Zonotopes and Polynotopes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Arxiv file: at here.
Published papers: The list below is a reasonably complete list of my publications in reverse chronological order.
- S. Yang, Z. Wang, X. Pan, D. Li, A. Zolghadri (2024). Satellite Magnetic Attitude Control in Sun-Safe Mode Using Control Lyapunov Function. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Accepted, To appear.
- X. Wang, A. Zolghadri, C. Wang (2024). Covert Attack Detection and Secure Control for Cyber Physical Systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute (elsevier). Volume 361, Issue 18, December 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfranklin.2024.107323. Available online at here.
- A. Zolghadri (2024). A review of fault management issues in aircraft systems: Current status and future directions. Progress in Aerospace Sciences (elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2024.101008. Available at here.
- Perodou A., Combastel C., Zolghadri A. (2024). Critical-time metric for risk analysis against sharp input anomalies: computation and application case study. Journal of the Franklin Institute (elsevier). Vol. 361, Issue 7, May 2024, pdf file: at here.
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2022). Fault tolerant multi-sensor data fusion for autonomous navigation in future civil aviation operations. June 2022, Control Engineering Practice. pdf file.
- Apaza-Perez W. A., C. Combastel, I. Walukiewicz, A. Muscholl, A. Zolghadri (2022). Abstraction-based control synthesis for interconnected systems using partial information. The European Journal of Control. Vol. 63, January 2022. pdf file.
- Apaza-Perez W. A., A. Girard, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Symbolic observer-based controller for uncertain nonlinear systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters. October 2021. Vol. 5, Issue 4. pdf file.
- Apaza-Perez W. A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2020). On distributed symbolic control of interconnected systems. The International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Vol. 30, No. 4, December 2020. pdf file.
- Combastel C., A. Zolghadri (2020). Distributed Kalman Filter with Unique Symbols Provider and Symbolic Zonotopes for the Robust State Estimation in CPS. International Journal of Control, Taylor and Francis. 93:11, 2596-2612, 2020. pdf file.
- Chang J., J. Cieslak, J. Davila, J. Zhou, A. Zolghadri. A Two-Step Approach for an Enhanced Quadrotor Attitude Estimation via IMU Data. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 1140-1148, May 2018. pdf file.
- Zolghadri A. The challenge of advanced model-based FDIR for real-world flight-critical applications. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 68, Pages 249-259, February 2018. pdf file.
- Zolghadri A. On flight operational issues management: Past, present and future. Annual Reviews in Control. Vision article. Volume 45, 2018, Pages 41-51, 2018. pdf file.
- Chang J., J. Cieslak, J. Davila, A. Zolghadri, J. Zhou. Analysis and design of second-order sliding-mode algorithms for quadrotor roll and pitch estimation. ISA Transactions. Volume 71, November 2017, Pages 495-512. pdf file.
- Zolghadri A., J. Cieslak, D. Efimov, P. Goupil. Practical design considerations for successful industrial application of model-based fault detection techniques to aircraft systems. Annual Reviews in Control, 2016, pdf file.
- Efimov D., C. Edwards, A. Zolghadri. Enhancement of adaptive observer robustness applying sliding mode techniques. Automatica, October 2016, Pages 53-56. pdf file.
- Zolghadri A., H. Leberre, P. Goupil, A. Gheorghe, J. Cieslak. Parametric approach to fault detection in aircraft control surfaces. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 846-855. 2016. pdf file.
- Gucik D. T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. A note on Interval Observer Design for Unknown Input Estimation. International Journal of Control. Taylor & Francis, Volume 89, Issue 1, pages 25-37, January 2016. pdf file.
- Efimov D., T. Raissi, W. Perruquetti, A. Zolghadri. Design of Interval Observers for Estimation and Stabilization of Discrete-Time LPV Systems. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Oxford Journals, Science and Mathematics, June 2015, pdf file.
- Ferreira A., J. Cieslak, D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, L. Fridman. Output regulation of systems subjected to perturbations and actuator faults based on HOSM observation and identification. Automatica. Vol. 59, Pages 200-205, September 2015. pdf file.
- Henry, D., J. Cieslak, A. Zolghadri, D. Efimov. H∞/H- LPV solutions for fault detection of aircraft actuator faults: Bridging the gap between theory and practice. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Vol 25, N°5, pp 649-672, 2015. pdf file.
- Ferreira A., J. Cieslak, D. Henry, J. Davila, A. Zolghadri. Sensor fault diagnosis using a non-homogeneous high order sliding mode observer with application to a transport aircraft. IET Control Theory & Applications. 9(4), Pages. 598 – 607, February 2015. pdf file.
- Chebotarev S., D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri. Interval Observers for Continuous-Time LPV Systems with L1/S performance. Automatica. Vol 58, Pages 82-89. August 2015. pdf file.
- Thabet H., C. Combastel, T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Set-membership fault detection under noisy environment. Application to the detection of abnormal positions of aircraft control surfaces. International Journal of Control. Taylor & Francis, Vol 88, Issue 9, Pages 1878-1894. September 2015. pdf file.
- Rios H., S. Kamal, L. Fridman, A. Zolghadri. Fault Tolerant Control Allocation via Continuous Integral Sliding-Modes: A HOSM-Observer approach. Automatica, Vol 51, Pages 318-325, January 2015. pdf file.
- Cieslak, J., Efimov D., Zolghadri A., Henry, D., Goupil, P. Design of a non-homogeneous differentiator for actuator oscillatory failure case reconstruction in noisy environment Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol 229, 3: pp. 266-275, March 2015. pdf file.
- Dávila J., J. Cieslak, D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. Fault tolerant controller for a class of additive faults: a quasi-continuous high-order sliding mode approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, Vol. 659, N0 1, 2015.
- Rios H., D. Efimov, J. Davila, T. Raissi, L. Fridman, A. Zolghadri. Non-Minimum Phase Switched Systems: HOSM-Based Fault Detection and Fault Identification via Volterra Integral. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Volume 28, Issue 12, Pages: 1372–1397, December 2014. pdf file.
- Efimov D, T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Set adaptive observers for LPV systems. Application to fault detection. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Volume 136, Issue 2, March 2014. pdf file.
- Henry D., J. Cieslak, A. Zolghadri, D. Efimov. A non-conservative H-/H∞ solution for early and robust fault diagnosis in aircraft control surface servo-loops. Control Engineering Practice. Volume 31, Pages 183-199, October 2014. pdf file.
- Thabet H., Raïssi T., Combastel C., Zolghadri A. An effective method to interval observer design for time-varying systems, Automatica, Volume 50, Issue 10, Pages 2677-2684, October 2014. pdf file.
- Efimov D. W. Perruquetti, T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Interval Observers for Time-Varying Discrete-Time Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol 58, N° 12, Page(s): 3218 – 3224, December 2013. pdf file.
- Seydou R., Raissi R., Zolghadri A., Efimov E. Actuator fault diagnosis for flat systems: A constraint satisfaction approach. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol 23, N° 1. 2013. pdf file.
- Efimov D., Cieslak J., Zolghadri A., Henry D. (2013). Actuator fault detection in aircraft systems: Oscillatory Failure Case study. Annual Reviews in Control, 37, 1 (2013), pp 180 – 190. 2013. pdf file.
- Gheorghe A., Zolghadri A. Cieslak J., Goupil P., Dayre R. and Le Berre H. Toward Model-Based Approaches for Fast and Robust Fault Detection in Aircraft Control Surface Servo-loop: From theory to application. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 33, 3, pp 20 – 84, June 2013. pdf file.
- Efimov D., T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Control of nonlinear and LPV systems: interval observer-based framework. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol 58, issue 3, Pages 773-778. March 2013. pdf file.
- Efimov D., Raïssi T., Chebotarev S., Zolghadri A. (2013). Interval state observer for nonlinear time varying systems. Automatica, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pages 200-205, January 2013. pdf file.
- Berdjag D., Cieslak J., Zolghadri A. Fault diagnosis and monitoring of oscillatory failure case in aircraft inertial system. Control Engineering Practice, Vol 20, issue 12, pages 1410-1425, December 2012. pdf file.
- Efimov E, Fridman L, Raïssi T, Zolghadri A. Interval estimation for LPV systems applying high order sliding mode techniques. Automatica, Volume 48, Issue 9, Pages 2365-2371, September 2012. pdf file.
- Zolghadri, A. Advanced model-based FDIR techniques for aerospace systems: Today challenges and opportunities. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Elsevier, review article, pp 18-29, August 2012. pdf file.
- Raissi T. D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri. Interval State Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 57, N0. 1, January 2012. pdf file.
- Bobstov A., D. Efimov, A. Pyrkin, A. Zolghadri. Switched Algorithm for Frequency Estimation with Noise Rejection. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol 57, N° 9, September 2012. pdf file.
- Efimov D., A. Zolghadri. Optimization of fault detection performance for a class of nonlinear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Volume 22, Issue 17, Pages: 1969–1982, November 2012. pdf file.
- Bobstov A., D. Efimov, A. Pyrkin, A. Zolghadri. Adaptive Algorithm of Frequency Estimation for Bias Periodical Signal with Additive Nonregular Component. Mechatronics, Automatization, Control. 2, pages 16-21, 2012.
- Efimov D., T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Stabilisation robuste d’une classe de systèmes non linéaires incertains. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 4−5, pp 335—348, 2012.
- Alcorta Garcia E., Zolghadri A., Goupil P. A Nonlinear Observer-Based Strategy for Aircraft Oscillatory Failure Detection: A380 Case Study. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Volume 47, Issue 4, Page(s): 2792 – 2806, October 2011. pdf file.
- Efimov D., A. Zolghadri, T. Raissi. Actuator fault detection and compensation under feedback control. Automatica. Volume 47, Issue 8, Pages 1699–1705, August 2011. pdf file.
- Zolghadri, A., A. Gheorghe, J. Cieslak, D. Henry, P. Goupil, R. Dayre, H. Leberre. Model-based Solution to Robust and Early Detection of Control Surface Runaways. SAE International Journal of Aerospace, November 2011.
- Lavigne L., A. Zolghadri, P. Goupil, P. Simon. A model-based technique for early and robust detection of oscillatory failure case in A380 actuators. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol 9, pp. 42-49, 2011. pdf file.
- Falcoz A., Henry D., Zolghadri A. Robust fault diagnosis for Atmospheric Re-entry Vehicles: a case study. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part A, Systems & Humans, vol 40, pp. 886-899, 2010. pdf file.
- Raissi T., Videau G., Zolghadri A. Interval observers design for consistency checks of nonlinear continuous-time systems. Automatica, vol 46, pp 518-527 (2010). pdf file.
- Cieslak J., Henry D., Zolghadri A. Fault Tolerant Flight Control: From Theory to Piloted Flight Simulator Experiments, IET Control Theory & Applications, Mars, 2010. pdf file.
- Louembet C. F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. Motion planning for flat systems using positive B-splines: An LMI approach. Automatica. Vol 46, Issue 8, August 2010. pdf file.
- Louembet C. F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. Path planning for satellite slew maneuvers: A combined Flatness and Collocation based Approach. IET Control Theory & Applications, vol 3, pages: 481-491, 2009. pdf file.
- Zerar M. F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. Coupled LPV and Flatness-based Approach for Space Reentry Vehicles Guidance. IET Control Theory & Applications, ol 3(8) – pages: 1081-1092, 2009. pdf file.
- C. Louembet, F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri, C. Charbonnel et C. Pittet. Génération de trajectoires d’attitude sur orbites: Approche par platitude et collocation. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 2009.
- Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. Vers la gestion globale des interactions “commande – diagnostic” : Analyse et synthèse. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés– vol 43 – pages: 133-163 2009.
- Morio V. F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. Onboard Path Planning for Reusable Launch Vehicles Application to the Shuttle Orbiter Reentry Mission. International Review of Aerospace Engineering – vol 1(6) – pages: 492-503, 2008.
- Zerar M., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. Caractérisation LPV des systèmes non linéaires plats. Application à un Démonstrateur de Rentrée Atmosphérique. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, vol 42 – pages: 1225-1253, 2008.
- Cazaurang F. V. Morio, A. Falcoz, D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. New model-based strategies for guidance and health monitoring of experimental reentry vehicles. International Review of Aerospace Engineering. vol 1 (5) – pages: 458 – 463, 2008.
- Falcoz A. D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. A Nonlinear Fault Identification scheme for Reusable Launch Vehicles Control Surfaces. International Review of Aerospace Engineering. vol 1, pages: 447- 457, 2008.
- Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, P. Goupil (2008). Development of an Active Fault Tolerant Flight Control Strategy. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. vol 31, N° 1, pp. 135-147.
- Grenaille S., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri (2008). A method for designing Fault Diagnosis Filters for LPV polytopic systems. Int. Journal of Control Science and Engineering. (Article ID 31697, 11 pages).
- Grenaille S., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri (2008). Synthèse de filtres de diagnostic pour les systèmes modélisés sous forme LPV. Journal of Automated systems.
- Zolghadri, A. D. Henry, Discussion on: “A Stacked Model Structure for Off-line Parameter Variation Estimation in Multi-equilibria Nonlinear Systems”. European Journal of Control, n.4, 2006.
- Zolghadri A., F. Castang, D. Henry (2006). Design of robust fault detection filters for multivariable feedback systems. International journal of modelling and simulation. ACTA Press, Vol. 26, N° 1, 2006.
- Henry D., A. Zolghadri (2006). Norm based design of robust FDI schemes for uncertain systems under feedback control: Comparison of two approaches. Control Engineering Practice. Volume 14, Issue 9, Pages 1081-1097, 2006.
- Zolghadri A, F. Cazaurang (2006). Adaptive nonlinear state-space modelling for the prediction of daily mean PM10 concentrations. Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 21, Issue 6, June 2006, Pages 885-894.
- Zolghadri A, D. Henry (2005). A generic model-based warning system for ground-level ozone monitoring, JESA. (Special issue on air pollution monitoring for which I have been invited editor). December 2005.
- Henry D., A. Zolghadri (2005). Design of Fault Diagnosis Filters: A Multi-Objective Approach. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Volume 342, Issue 4, July, Pages 421-446.
- Henry D., A. Zolghadri (2005). Design and analysis of robust FDI filters for uncertain systems under feedback control. Automatica, Volume 41, Issue 2, February, Pages 251-264.
- Zolghadri A., D. Henry (2004). Minimax statistical models for air pollution time series. Application to ozone time series data measured in Bordeaux. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol 98, pp 275-294.
- Zolghadri A., M. Monsion, D. Henry, C. Marcionini, O.Petrique (2004). Development of an operational model-based warning system for tropospheric ozone concentrations in Bordeaux, France. Environmental Modelling and Software, Elsevier, vol. 19, pp 369-382.
- Henry D., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion, F. Cazaurang (2002). Fault diagnosis in induction machines using the generalized structured value. Control Engineering Practice, vol. 6, pp 587-598, June 2002.
- Henry D., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion (2002). Off-line robust fault diagnosis using the generalized structured singular values. Automatica, vol. 38, pp 1347-1358, August 2002.
- Zolghadri, A. (2002). Early warning and prediction of flight parameter abnormalities for improved system safety assessment. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 16, pp 19-27.
- Zolghadri, A. (2000). A redundancy-based strategy for safety management in a modern civil aircraft. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 8, N° 5, pp 545-554.
- Zolghadri, A., F. Lapeyre, M. Monsion (1997). System identification for robust control. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol. 31, N° 7, Novembre 1997.
- Zolghadri, A., D. Henry, M. Monsion (1996). Design of nonlinear observers for fault diagnosis: a case study. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 4, N° 11, pp 1535-1534, 1996.
- Zolghadri, A. (1996). An algorithm for failure detection in Kalman filters. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 41, N° 10, pp. 1537-1540, October 1996.
- Lapeyre, F., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion (1995). Robust fault detection in closed loop systems. European Journal of Diagnosis and Safety in Automation, Volume 5, No. 3, pp. 289-306.
- Zolghadri, A., B. Bergeon, Z. Benzian, J.L. Ermine, M. Monsion (1993). Fault diagnosis and supervision of a cutting tool robot. European Journal of Diagnosis and Safety in Automation, Volume 3, No. 2, pp. 151-174.
- Zolghadri, A., B. Bergeon, M. Monsion (1993). A two ellipsoid overlap test for on-line failure detection. Automatica, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1517-1522.
- Bergeon B., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion and S. Ygorra (1993). A supervised Robust Control of a Manipulator. IMACS Transactions.
- French Journal: Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, (2007). Une méthodologie pour la synthèse de systèmes de commande tolérants aux défauts, la revue e-STA.
- J. Zhang, C. Combastel, D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri (2024). Robust Stability Analysis for Continuous-Time Parameter-Varying Persidskii Systems. European Control Conference, 25-28 June, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Zolghadri A. (2024). Fault management issues in aircraft systems: current status and future directions. EuroGNC 2024, 12-14 June, Bristol, UK.
- Wang X., A. Zolghadri (2023). Cover Attack Detection and Secure Control for Cyber Physical Systems.The 22nd IFAC World Congress, 9-14 July, Yokohama, Japan.
- Zolghadri A. (2023). Enhanced single-pilot resource management in future commercial air transport operations. 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) (CoDIT 2023), July 3-6, Rome, Italy.
- Zolghadri A. (2023). Safety and Security Issues in Semi-autonomous Cyber-physical Systems. 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers – IEEE CSCC, Greece, 19-22 July, 2023.
- Zolghadri A. (2022). An advisory assistance system for crew-aided flight status management in Single Pilot Operations. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, New York , USA, 24-28, July, 2022.
Aubouin–Pairault B., A. Perodou, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2022). Resilient tube-based MPC for Cyber-Physical Systems Under DoS Attacks. 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Pafos, Cyprus, 7-10 June 2022.
- Goupil P., A. Zolghadri (2022). The challenge of advanced FDI algorithms for aircraft systems. 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Pafos, Cyprus, 7-10 June 2022.
- Perodou A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Critical-Time Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems subject to Actuator Attacks and Faults. IEEE 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). December 13-15, 2021, Austin, Texas, USA. Presentation, video of the presentation, pdf file.
- Perodou A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Towards Anomaly-Tolerant Systems by Dissipation Block Synthesis. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France during Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf file.
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Set-based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Integrated Navigation Systems. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France during Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf (paper) – pdf (presentation).
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2021). Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Civil Aircraft IRS/GPS/ILS Integrated Navigation System. European Control Conference (ECC). June 29 – July 2, 2021, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. pdf
- Apaza-Perez W. A., A. Girard, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Symbolic observer-based controller for uncertain nonlinear systems. American Control Conference (ACC). May 26-28, 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Apaza-Perez W. A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2020). A symbolic approach to distributed control of interconnected systems. Accepted, to appear: 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). December 14-18, 2020, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.
- Zolghadri A. (2019). On Some Open-ended Challenges in Model-based Fault Management for Aerospace Systems: A Look Backwards and Forwards. 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), 28-30 July 2019, Praque, Czech Republic.
- Apaza-Perez W. A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2019). An abstraction-based controller synthesis for interconnected non-deterministic systems. European Control Conference, 25-28 June, 2019, Naples, Italy.
- Zolghadri A. Combastel C. (2018). An anticipatory warning/advisory system for crew-aided flight. IFAC SAFEPROCESS, Warsaw, Poland, August 29-31, 2018.
- Combastel C., A. Zolghadri (2018). FDI in Cyber Physical Systems: A Distributed Zonotopic and Gaussian Kalman Filter with Bit-level Reduction. IFAC SAFEPROCESS, Warsaw, Poland, August 29-31, 2018.
- Zolghadri A. (2018). Model-based fault detection for aircraft systems. Application to A350 aircraft. International Conference on in Aerospace Structures, Systems & Technology. 6-8 May 2018, London, UK.
- Zolghadri A. (2017). Modern Control Theory and Real-World Aerospace Applications. IFAC World Congress, July 2017, Toulouse, France, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 50, Issue 1, July 2017, Pages 6446-6451.
- Zolghadri A., Cieslak, J., Goupil, P., Dayre, R. (2017). Turning theory to practice in model-based FDI: Successful application to new generation Airbus aircraft. IFAC World Congress, July 2017, Toulouse, France, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 50, Issue 1, 1 July 2017, Pages 12773-12778.
- Eyang E., Combastel C., Zolghadri A. (2017). Determination of reachable flight regions: a zonotopic approach IFAC World Congress, July 2017, Toulouse, France, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 50, Issue 1, July 2017, Pages 4014-4020.
- Cieslak J., Zolghadri A., Goupil P., R. Dayre (2016). A Comparative Study of Three Differentiation Schemes for the Detection of Runaway Faults in Aircraft Control Surfaces. 20th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace – ACA, 21-25 August, 2016, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
- Chang J., J. Cieslak, A. Zolghadri, J. Davila and J. Zhou (2016). Adaptive Sliding Mode Observer for Quadrotor Attitude Estimation. American Control Conference. July 6–8, 2016, Boston, USA.
- Davila J., J. Cieslak, D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, F. Javier Bejarano (2016). A fault tolerant controller based on quasi-continuous high-order sliding mode technique. American Control Conference. July 6–8, 2016, Boston, USA.
- Chang J., J. Cieslak, A. Zolghadri, J. Davila and J. Zhou (2016). Quadrotor Pitch and roll angle estimation with gyroscope fault reconstruction capabilities. 4th IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences 2016, 1-3 June, Reims, France.
- Goupil P., A. Zolghadri, J. Cieslak, R. Dayre (2016). Hydraulic actuator fault detection and diagnosis: a robust parametric decision test. 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components. 16-18 March 2016, Toulouse, France.
- Chang J. Cieslak J., A. Zolghadri, J. Davila, J. Zhou (2016). Design of sliding mode observers for quadrotor attitude estimation using IMU measurements. IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems, Cancun, Mexico, November 23th-25th 2015.
- Davila J., J. Cieslak, D. Henry, F. Javier Bejarano, A. Zolghadri (2015). Adaptive Fault Tolerant Controller Based on Quasi-Continuous High-Order Sliding Modes. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, AIAA Science and Technology, Kissimmee, FL, USA, 6-9 January 2015.
- Zolghadri A., Jérôme Cieslak, Denis Efimov, David Henry, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Anca Gheorghe, Hervé Le-Berre. Signal and model-based fault diagnosis for aircraft systems. Safeprocess IFAC, Paris, France, 2015.
- A. Ferreira, J. Cieslak, D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, L. Fridman. Robust output tracking of a 3DOF helicopter via high-order sliding mode observers. EuroGNC 2015, 13-15 April, Toulouse, France.
- J. Cieslak, A. Ferreira, D. Henry, J. Davila, A. Zolghadri. Sliding mode observers for fault estimation in multisensor avionic systems. EuroGNC 2015, 13-15 April, Toulouse, France.
- Gucik D. Zolghadri A. Suhir E. Prediction of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of Ball-Grid-Array (BGA) Interconnections during Testing on the Board Level. IEEE Aerospace, March 1-8, 2014, Big Sky, Montana,USA.
- Efimov D., C. Edwards, A. Zolghadri. A Note on Improvement of Adaptive Observer Robustness. 19th IFAC World Congress, 24-29 August 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Gucik D., A. Zolghadri, E. Suhir. A Model-Based Prognosis Strategy for Prediction of Remaining Useful Life of Ball-Grid-Array Interconnections 19th IFAC World Congress, 24-29 August 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Gucik D., T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Interval State and Unknown Inputs Estimation for Linear Time-Invariant Systems. 19th IFAC World Congress, 24-29 August 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Combastel C., H. Thabet, T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Set-Membership Fault Detection under Noisy Environment in Aircraft Control Surface Servo-Loops. 19th IFAC World Congress, 24-29 August 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Cieslak J., D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri, A. Gheorghe, P. Goupil, R. Draye. A Method for Actuator Lock-In-Place Failure Detection in Aircraft Control Surface Servo-Loops. 19th IFAC World Congress, 24-29 August 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Cieslak J., D. Henry, D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri. Enhanced Distinguishability in Supervisory Fault Tolerant Control.19th IFAC World Congress, 24-29 August 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Efimov D., Raissi T. Perruquetti W. Zolghadri A. Estimation and Control of Discrete-Time LPV Systems Using Interval Observers. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy, December 10-13, 2013.
- Thabet H., Raissi T., Combastel C. Zolghadri A. Design of Interval Observers for LPV Systems Subject to Exogenous Disturbances. European Control Conference. July 17-19, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Efimov D., Perruquetti W., Raissi R., Zolghadri A. On Interval Observer Design for Time-Invariant Discrete-Time Systems. European Control Conference. July 17-19, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Chebotarev S., Efimov D., Raissi T., Zolghadri A. On Interval Observer Design for a Class of Continuous-Time LPV Systems. 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems. September 4-6, 2013, Toulouse, France.
- Goupil P. Zolghadri A. Gheorghe A. Cieslak J. Dayre R. Advanced model-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for civil aircraft structural design optimization. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems, Nice, France, 2013.
- Cieslak J., Efimov D., Zolghadri A., Henry D., Goupil P (2013). Oscillatory Failure Case Detection for Aircraft using Non Homogeneous Differentiator in Noisy Environment. 2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control, Delft, Pay bas. 9-11 April 2013.
- Gheorghe A. Zolghadri A. Cieslak J. Goupil G. Dayre R. Detection of Abnormal Aircraft Control Surface Position Using a Robust Parametric Test. 2nd CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control, Delft, NL. 9-11 April 2013.
- Efimov D., Tarek Raissi, Stanislav Chebotarev, Ali Zolghadri; On Set-Membership Observer Design for a Class of Periodical Time-Varying Systems; 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Hawaii, USA 2012.
- Zolghadri A. Analytical redundancy-based FDIR techniques for real-world aerospace systems: where are we today? 2nd IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control, Marrakesh, Morocco on June 20-22, 2012.
- Efimov D., Fridman L., Raissi T., Zolghadri A. Application of Interval Observers and HOSM Differentiators for Fault Detection. Dans 8th IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCESS Mexico, 2012.
- David Henry, Ali Zolghadri, Jerome Cieslak, Denis Efimov. A LPV approach for early fault detection in aircraft control surfaces servo-loops. SAFEPROCESS. Mexico, 2012.
- Efimov, D., T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri, L. Fridman. Set-Membership Estimation Improvement Applying HOSM Differentiators. American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 27-29, 2012.
- Rios H. D. Efimov, J. Davila, L. Fridman, A. Zolghadri. State Estimation for Linear Switched Systems with Unknown Inputs. 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 6-8, 2012.
- Anton A., Pyrkin; Bobstov A., Efimov D., Zolghadri A. Frequency Estimation for Periodical Signal with Noise in Finite Time. CDC-ECC, Orlando, USA, December 12-15, 2011.
- Efimov D., Raissi T., Zolghadri A. Stabilization of nonlinear uncertain systems based on interval observers. CDC-ECC, Orlando, USA, December 12-15, 2011.
- Efimov D., Raissi T., Zolghadri A. Hybrid unknown input observer for actuator fault detection and compensation. Proc. IFAC WC, Milan, Italy, 28 August – 2 September, 2011.
- Seydou R., Raissi T., Zolghadri A. Robust state estimation for flat systems using set-membership techniques. Proc. IFAC WC, Milan, Italy, 28 August, 2 September, 2011.
- Gheorghe A., Zolghadri A., Cieslak J., Henry D., Goupil P., Dayre R., Leberre H. Early detection of aircraft control surface faults by dedicated Kalman filtering: runaways and jammings. 9th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 17-18 November, Budapest, 2011.
- Henry D., Zolghadri A., Cieslak J., Efimov D. Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Electrical Aircraft Flight Control System. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Portland, USA, 8-11 August 2011.
- Henry D. Cieslak J. Zolghadri A., Efimov D. A Hinf/H- approach for Fault Diagnosis in Electrical Aircraft Flight Control Systems. 9th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 17-18 November, Budapest, 2011.
- Seydou, Ramatou; Raissi, Tarek; Zolghadri, Ali; Henry, David. Change detection in flat systems by constraint satisfaction technique. Proc. IFAC WC, Milan, Italy, 28 August – 2 September, 2011.
- Gheorghe A., Zolghadri A., Cieslak J., Henry D., Goupil P., Dayre R., Leberre H. A Model-based Solution to Robust and Early Detection of Control Surface Runaways. SAE AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, October 2011, Toulouse, France.
- Zolghadri A. The challenge of advanced model-based FDIR techniques for aerospace systems: the 2011 situation. 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences St Petersburg, Russia, 4-8 July, 2011.
- Raissi T., Efimov D., Zolghadri A. Reliable amplitude and frequency estimation for biased and noisy signals – Application to oscillatory failures detection. 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences St Petersburg, Russia, 4-8 July, 2011.
- Berdjag D., Zolghadri, A., Cieslak J. Fault Detection and Isolation of aircraft air data/inertial system. 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences St Petersburg, Russia, 4-8 July, 2011.
- Efimov D. Zolghadri A. Simon P. Fault detection improving by extended Kalman filter adjustment for oscillatory failure case in aircrafts. 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences St Petersburg, Russia, 4-8 July, 2011.
- Efimov D., Zolghadri A. Nonlinear Observers Techniques for Oscillatory Failure Case Detection. 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences St Petersburg, Russia, 4-8 July, 2011.
- Efimov D., Raïssi T., Zolghadri A. Robust Fault Detection Based On Adaptive Set Observers. Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems. IEEE SysTol, 6-8 October, Nice, France, 2010.
- Berdjag D A. Zolghadri, J. Cieslak, P. Goupil. Fault Detection and Isolation for Redundant Aircraft Sensors. IEEE Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems (SysTol), Nice, France, October 6-8, 2010.
- Cieslak J. D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. A solution for management of fault diagnostic and fault tolerance performances in active FTC schemes. 18th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA), Volume N° 18 | Part 1, Nara-ken Shinkokaido, Japan, 2010.
- D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Robust fault detection based on adaptive set observers. IEEE SysTol, 6-8 October 2010, Nice, France.
- Efimov D., Zolghadri A., Simon P. Improving Fault Detection Abilities of Extended Kalman Filters by Covariance Matrices Adjustment. Proc. IEEE SysTol, Nice, 2010.
- D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Monotone adaptive set observers for nonlinear continuous-time systems (invited session), NOLCOS, Italy, 2010.
- D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Adaptive Set Observers Design For Fault Detection and Diagnosis, IEEE MED 2010.
- T. Raïssi, D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri, Robust state and parameter estimation for nonlinear
continuous-time systems. Application to fault detection, 16th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, Germany, ECMI’2010. - R. Seydou, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, D. Henry, Fault detection in flat systems by constraint satisfaction and input monitoring, IFAC ACD, November 2010, Italy.
- G. Videau, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Tests de cohérence pour des systèmes non linéaires à
temps continu par observateurs intervalles, CIFA 2010. - G. Videau, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Guaranteed state estimation for nonlinear continuous time systems based on qLPV transformations, ECC’09, August 2009.
- Alcorta Garcia E., Zolghadri A., Goupil P., A Novel Non-Linear Observer-Based Approach to Oscillatory Failure Detection. ECC’09, August 2009.
- Morio V., Cazaurang F., Zolghadri A., Vernis P. A new Path Planner based on Flatness Approach. Application to an Atmospheric Reentry Mission. ECC’09, August 2009.
- G. Videau, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Set-observer design for consistency checks of nonlinear systems, IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2009, July, Barcelona.
- Cieslak J. D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. Design of Fault Tolerant Control Systems: a Flight Simulator Experiment. IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2009, Barcelona, 2009.
- Cieslak J. D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. Design of Fault Tolerant Control Systems: a Flight Simulator Experiment. IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2009, Barcelona, 2009.
- Alcorta Garcia E., Zolghadri A., Goupil P., Lavigne L., SIMON P. Nonlinear Observer-Based OFC Detection for A380 Aircraft. IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2009, Barcelona, 2009.
- Falcoz A., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. A Nonlinear Fault Identification scheme for Reusable Launch Vehicles Control Surfaces. IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2009, Barcelona, 2009.
- Videau G., T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Contrôle de cohérence paramétrique des systèmes non
linéaires à temps continu par satisfaction de contraintes, CIFA 2008, Bucarest. sélectionné meilleur article théorique. - Falcoz A., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, E. Bornschleg, M. Ganet. (2008). On-board model-based Robust FDIR strategy for Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV). 7th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, June 2 – 5.
- Videau G., T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri, (2008). Set membership state estimation for nonlinear systems using contraction theory. A case study, 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, 2008.
- Falcoz A., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, (2008). Development of a robust model-based fault diagnosis technique for Reusable Launch Vehicles, 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, 2008.
- Morio V., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. An Effective Algorithm for Analytical Computation of Flat Outputs over the Weyl Algebra. 17th IFAC World Congress. Seoul, Korea. 2008.
Before 2008
Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, P. Goupil, (2007). A Fault Tolerant Control Strategy with application to the GARTEUR AG16 benchmark, 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Toulouse, France, 2007.
Louembet C., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri, C. Pittet, M. Maini. A convex approach to the design of optimal trajectories for satellite, 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Toulouse, France, 2007.
Zerar M., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri (2007). COUPLED LPV AND FLATNESS BASED APPROACH FOR ARD GUIDANCE, 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Toulouse, France, 2007.
Louembet C., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri, C. Pittet, M. Maini, “Design of Algorithms for Satellite Slew Manoeuver by Flatness and Collocation”, American Control Conference, 11-13 July, New York, USA, 2007.
Louembet C., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri, C. Pittet, M. Maini, “Design of Algorithms for Satellite Slew Manoeuver by Flatness and Collocation”, American Control Conference, 11-13 July, New York, USA, 2007.
Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, “A methodology for the design of active fault tolerant control systems”, 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, SAFEPROCESS’2006, septembre, Beijing, 2006.
Grenaille S., D. Henry and A. Zolghadri, “A method for designing FDI filters for polytopic LPV models”, 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, IFAC SAFEPROCESS’2006, septembre, Beijing, 2006.
Louembet C., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri, “Génération de trajectoire pour satellite AGILE par platitude et collocation”, CIFA 2006, Bordeaux, 30 mai-1 juin 2006.
Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, “Une méthodologie pour la synthèse de systèmes de commande tolérants aux défauts”, CIFA 2006, Bordeaux, 30 mai-1 juin 2006.
Grenaille S., D. Henry and A. Zolghadri, “Synthèse d’un filtre de détection pour les systèmes LPV”, CIFA 2006, Bordeaux, France, 30 mai-1 juin 2006.
Grenaille S., D. Henry and A. Zolghadri, “Fault diagnosis in Linear Parameter Varying systems”, 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND), Toulouse, France, July 5-7, 2006.
Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. An Architecture for Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems. IEEE-EURASIP International Symposium on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing, Marrakech, Morocco, March 2006.
Grenaille S., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. FDI filter design for LPV systems. IEEE-EURASIP International Symposium on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing, Marrakech, Morocco, March 2006.
Louembet C., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. Flatness & collocation based Methodology for satellite trajectory planning. IEEE-EURASIP International Symposium on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing, Marrakech, Morocco, March 2006.
Zerar M., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri. LPV Modelling of Atmospheric re-entry demonstrator for guidance re-entry problem. CDC/ECC, Seville, December 2005.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri. Robust fault diagnosis in uncertain Linear Parameter-Varying systems. Proceedings of IEEE SMC’2004, The Hague, NL, 2004.
Grenaille S., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. Fault diagnosis in satellites using H infinity estimators. Proceedings of SMC’2004, The Hague, NL, 2004.
Zolghadri A., D. Henry. A combined hard and soft computing approach for ground-level ozone monitoring. Proceedings of IEEE SMC’2004, The Hague, NL, 2004.
Lavigne L., F. Cazaurang, M. Maini, M. Zerar, Satellite path planning by flatness approach, Proceedings of IEEE SMC’2004, The Hague, NL, 2004.
Zerar M., F. Cazaurang, A. Zolghadri, Robust tracking of nonlinear MIMO uncertain flat systems, Proceedings of IEEE SMC’2004, The Hague, NL, 2004.
Zolghadri A. Prévision à court terme des concentrations de PM10 à Bordeaux, CIFA04, Douz, Tunisie, 22-24 novembre 2004
Zerar M., F. Cazaurang et A. Zolghadri. Modélisation des systèmes non linéaires plats perturbés mono-entrée sous forme LPV, CIFA04, Douz, Tunisie, 22-24 novembre 2004
Henry D., A. Zolghadri (2003). H∞/H- filters for fault diagnosis in systems under feedback control. 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Washington DC, 9-11 juin.
Zolghadri A., M. Monsion, D. Henry, C. Marcionini, O. Petrique (2003). Monitoring ground-level ozone concentrations in bordeaux. 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Washington DC, 9-11 June.
Zolghadri A., M. Monsion, D. Henry, C. Marcionini, O. Petrique (2003). A monitoring model-based system for ground-level ozone concentrations. The Fourth International Conference on Urban Air Quality – Measurement, Modelling and Management, 25-27 March, Prague, Czech Republic.
Castang F., A. Zolghadri, D. Henry, M. Monsion (2003). A robust FDI design procedure for multivariable feedback systems. 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Washington DC, 9-11 June.
Zolghadri A., M. Monsion, D. Henry, C. Marcionini, O. Petrique (2003). A monitoring model-based system for ground-level ozone concentrations. The Fourth International Conference on Urban Air Quality – Measurement, Modelling and Management, 25-27 March, Prague, Czech Republic.
Castang F., A. Zolghadri, D. Henry, M. Monsion (2002). A LMI approach for designing robust FDI filters with guaranteed fault sensitivity performance. SMC’IEEE, Hammamet, Tunisie.
Castang F., A. Zolghadri, D. Henry, M. Monsion (2002). Synthèse d’un filter Hinf/H-, equivalence avec un observateur. CIFA 2002, Nantes, France, pp 56-61.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, F. Castang (2002). A multiobjective filtering approach for fault diagnosis with guaranteed sensitivity performance. 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, F. Castang, M. Monsion (2002). A multiobjective filtering approach for fault diagnosis with guaranteed sensitivity performance. 15th IFAC World Congress, 21-26 juillet, Barcelona, Spain.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, F. Castang, M. Monsion (2001). A new multi-objective filter design for guaranteed robust FDI performance. CDC’2001, 4-7 décembre, Orlando, Florida.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, F. Castang, M. Monsion (2001). A new multi-objective filter design for guaranteed robust FDI performance. CDC’2001, 4-7 décembre, Orlando, Florida.
Zolghadri A., F. Castang, D. Henry, M. Monsion (2001). An iterative approach to the design of robust FDI filters. European Control Conference, 4-7 septembre, Porto.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion, F. Cazaurang (2001). Integrity monitoring of induction machines: a frequency domain model-based approach. European Control Conference, 4-7 septembre, Porto.
Zolghadri A. (2000). A procedure for model integrity monitoring and uncertainty updating in the frequency domain. European Control Conference, 4-7 septembre Porto.
Zolghadri A. (2000). Predictive information for improved flight safety assessment. European Control Conference, 4-7 septembre, Porto.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion (14-16 juin 2000). Design of robust FDI systems using the generalized structured singular value. SAFEPROCESS 2000, Budapest.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion (1999). Design of a Class of Nonlinear Observers for Fault Diagnosis ECC’99, 31 août-3 septembre, Karlsruhe, Germany, Paper No F 1054-4.
Henry D., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion (1999). Integrity Monitoring of Induction Motors Using Frequency-Domain Model Invalidation Techniques. ECC’99, 31 août-3 septembre, Karlsruhe, Germany, Paper No F 1056-6.
Zolghadri A., C. Goetz, B. Bergeon, X. Denoize (1998). Integrity monitoring of flight parameters using analytical redundancy. IEE International Conference on Control’98. pp 1534-1539, 1-4 September 1998, Swansea, UK.
Lapeyre, F., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion (1997). Fault detection in induction motors via parameter estimation techniques. IFAC Symposium on Fault detection, Supervision and Safety for Tecnical Processes, SAFEPROCESS’97, August 26-28 1997, Kingston Upon Hull, United Kingdom.
Henry, D., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion (1997). Robust Fault detection in induction motors using unknown input observers. SDEMPED’97, IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical machines, Power Electronics and drives, September 1-3, Carry-le Rouet, France.
Zolghadri A. (1996). Model based fault detection in a multivariable hydraulic process. 13th IFAC World Congress, Vol. N, pp. 253-258, San Francisco, USA.
Zolghadri A., F. Lapeyre, M. Monsion (1994). On the quantification of model uncertainty via set membership estimation for robust control design. Symposium on Robust Control Design. Rio de Janeiro, pp 341-346, 14-16 septembre.
Zolghadri A., F. Lapeyre, M. Monsion, S. Ygorra (1994). A hard error bound approach for quantification of model uncertainty in transfer function estimation. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Orlando, pp 3924-3927, 14-16 décembre.
Bergeon B., A. Zolghadri, Z. Benzian, J.L. Ermine, M. Monsion (1993). Specification of a Real-Time Knowledge Based Supervision System. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia, 19-23 July.
Bergeon B., A. Zolghadri, Z. Benzian, M. Monsion and J. L. Ermine (1992). A Knowledge Based Supervision System of a Robot. 1er Congrés Franco-Japonais de Mécatronique, Besançon, France.
Bergeon B., A. Zolghadri, Z. Benzian, J. L. Ermine and M. Monsion (1992). Knowledge Based Supervision System of a Cutting Tool Robot. ICARCV’92, Singapore.
Zolghadri A., B. Bergeon and M. Monsion (1992). On-line fault detection using ellipsoidal confidence regions. ICARCV’92, Singapore.
Zolghadri A., E. Prempain, B. Bergeon and M. Monsion (1992). Local path-planning for a robotic contour following problem. ICARCV’92, Singapore.
Zolghadri A., B. Bergeon, M. Monsion, J. L. Ermine and Z. Benzian (1991). A Supervision Expert System for Robust Control of a Manipulator. 3rd IFAC -Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time. Control, Nappa-Sonoma, California, USA.
Zolghadri A., M. Monsion and B. Bergeon (1991). A supervised path planner. 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Pisa, Italy.
Bergeon B., A. Zolghadri, M. Monsion and S. Ygorra (1991). Towards a supervised Robust Control of a Manipulator. Proceedings of American Control Conference, vol. 3, 3058-3063, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Zolghadri A., D. Henry, J. Cieslak, D. Efimov, P. Goupil (2014). Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control and Guidance for Aerospace Vehicles, from theory to application. Springer. See here.
A total of 15809 chapter downloads since its publication (28-08-2020 – Source: Springer).
- Ferreira A., J. Cieslak, D. Henry, A. Zolghadri, L. Fridman. Robust output tracking of a 3DOF helicopter via high-order sliding mode observers. Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. Springer-Verlag, 2015.
- Cieslak J., A. Ferreira, D. Henry, J. Davila, A. Zolghadri. Sliding mode observers for fault estimation in multisensor avionic systems. Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. Springer-Verlag, 2015.
- Cieslak J., D. Henry, A. Zolghadri. An FTC Strategy for Safe Recovery against Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Failure with Guaranteed Nominal Performance. pp 337-361. In “Fault Tolerant Control – A Benchmark Challenge” Springer-Verlag. 2010.
- Efimov, D., T. Raissi, A. Zolghadri. Robust State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear Continuous-Time Systems in a Set-Membership Context. In “Modelling, design and simulation of systems with uncertainties. Springer-Verlag 2011.
- Zolghadri A. The challenge of advanced model-based FDIR techniques for aerospace systems: the 2011 situation. Progress in Guidance, Navigation & Control, EUCASS book series, Torus Press, 2013.
- Raissi T., Efimov D., Zolghadri A. Reliable amplitude and frequency estimation for biased and noisy signals – Application to oscillatory failures detection. Progress in Guidance, Navigation & Control, EUCASS book series, Torus Press, 2013.
- Berdjag D., Zolghadri, A., Cieslak J. Fault Detection and Isolation of aircraft air data/inertial system. Progress in Guidance, Navigation & Control, EUCASS book series, Torus Press, 2013.
- Efimov D. Zolghadri A. Simon P. Fault detection improving by extended Kalman filter adjustment for oscillatory failure case in aircraft. Progress in Guidance, Navigation & Control, EUCASS book series, Torus Press, 2013.
- Efimov D., Zolghadri A. Nonlinear Observers Techniques for Oscillatory Failure Case Detection. Progress in Guidance, Navigation & Control, EUCASS book series, Torus Press, 2013.
- Zolghadri, A. (2007). A model-based warning system for air pollution monitoring. Application to ground-level ozone and PM10 time series measured in Bordeaux, France. Progress in Air Pollution Research (Ed), Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chapter 5, pp 93-136.
- Zolghadri A., M. Monsion, (2003). Surveillance prédictive de la pollution atmosphérique. Ouvrage collectif ADEME.
- Zolghadri, A. (2001). Identification pour la commande robuste, modèle nominal et incertitudes, Identification des systèmes, Éditions HERMES.
Some recent invited talks given at international conferences :
- IEEE CSCC, 26th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers – Plenary lecture – Greece, 19-22 July, 2022.
- IEEE SysTol 2021: Plenary lecture – September 29th, 30th and October 1st, 2021.
- Aerospace 2021: Keynote speaker (and General Chair) – September 27-29, 2021.
- ICINCO 2019: Plenary lecture – 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics 2019 – 29-31 July, Prague, Czech Republic. And panel discussion.
- IFAC Safeprocess: Semi-Plenary. 29 August -1 September 2018, Warsaw, Poland.
- AASST 2018: Invited keynote. 1st International Conference on Advances in Aerospace Structures, Systems & Technology: 6-8 May 2018, London, UK.
- MEA 2017: Invited keynote. More Electric Aircraft, 1-2 February, Bordeaux, France. And panel discussion
- EUCASS 2017: Invited keynote. European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences, Milan, Italy, 3-6 July 2017.
- ICONS 2016: Plenary lecture. 4th IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences, 1-3 June 2016, Reims, France.
- CET 2015: Plenary lecture. The 5th World Congress on Engineering and Technology. October 23-25, 2015 in Suzhou, China.
- EUCASS 2011: Invited Keynote. 4-8 July, 2011, St Petersburg, Russia
And some recent invited talks given at national venues:
- Annual meeting of Control & Systems (GdR MACS, CNRS), 18-19 June, 2015, Bourges, France.
- CNRS, Paris, June 29, 2017, see here.
- “Fédération de Recherche du CNRS Charles Hermite” (FCH), Journée FCH-MATERALIA, November 23, 2016, Nancy, France.
- Journée “Aerospace Valley”, September 24, 2015, Agen, France.
- CNRIUT, 7 June 2018, Aix Marseille, France.
- SysNum cluster seminary, February 9, 2018, Bordeaux, France.
- Invited talk before a panel of experts in aerospace, 6 December 2017, Airbus, Toulouse, France.