Bordeaux University, IMS-lab, Building A31
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Installation Ceremony for IUF Laureates (Sorbonne, Paris)

The induction ceremony for the IUF laureates took place on October 18, 2024, at the Sorbonne in Paris, with the presence of the French Minister for Research and Innovation (see at herein French):

With Brigitte, my wife.

With Cristell, IMS director.


Nomination as a senior member of IUF (Institut Universitaire de France)

I have the great honor of being appointed a senior member of IUF (Institut Universitaire de France – Fundamental Chair Laureate) for the term 2024-2029 by a decision of the French Minister responsible for higher education, Research and Innovation. See at here.

Invited plenary talk at EuroGNC 2024 conference

I am scheduled for a plenary lecture at EuroGNC 2024 conference, 12-14 June 2024, Bristol, UK:

EuroGNC 2024 is organized by the University of Bristol (UK) and supported by the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS), the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), and the Royal Aeronautical Society (UK).

Some recent papers …


Below a selection of some recent papers. See at here for a complete list of my publications.

  • X. Wang, A. Zolghadri, C. Wang  (2024). Covert Attack Detection and Secure Control for Cyber Physical Systems. To appear in Journal of the Franklin Institute (elsevier).
  • A. Zolghadri (2024). A review of fault management issues in aircraft systems: Current status and future directions. Progress in Aerospace Sciences (elsevier). Available online at here.
  • Zhang J., Combastel C., Efimov D., Zolghadri A. (2024). Robust Stability Analysis for Continuous-Time Parameter-Varying Persidskii Systems. European Control Conference, 25-28 June, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Arthur Perodou, Christophe Combastel, Ali Zolghadri (2024). Critical-time metric for risk analysis against sharp input anomalies: computation and application case study. Journal of the Franklin Institute (elsevier). Vol. 361, Issue 7, May 2024, pdf file: at here.
  • Trapiello C., Combastel C., Zolghadri A. (2024). Verification of Neural Control Systems using Symbolic Zonotopes and Polynotopes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (under revision). Arxiv file: at here
  • S. Yang, Z. Wang, X. Pan, D. Li, A. Zolghadri (2024). Satellite Magnetic Attitude Control in Sun-Safe Mode Using Control Lyapunov Function. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Under revision.

     J. Zhang, C. Combastel, D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri (2024). Robust Stability and stabilization of continuous-Time Parameter-Varying Persidskii Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Under revision.

  • Wang X., Zolghadri A. (2023). Cover Attack Detection and Secure Control for Cyber Physical Systems.The 22nd IFAC World Congress, 9-14 July, Yokohama, Japan.
  • Zolghadri A. (2023). Enhanced single-pilot resource management in future commercial air transport operations. 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) (CoDIT 2023), July 3-6, Rome, Italy.
  • Zolghadri A. (2023). Safety and Security Issues in Semi-autonomous Cyber-physical Systems. 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers – IEEE CSCC, Greece, 19-22 July, 2023.
  • Zolghadri A. (2022). An advisory assistance system for crew-aided flight status management in Single Pilot Operations. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, New York , USA, 24-28, July, 2022.
  • Zolghadri A. (2022). Self-protection and anomaly detection&mitigation for aircraft systems. 26th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers – IEEE CSCC, Greece, 19-22 July, 2022.
  • Aubouin–Pairault B., A. Perodou, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2022). Resilient tube-based MPC for Cyber-Physical Systems Under DoS Attacks. 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Pafos, Cyprus, 7-10 June 2022.

  • Goupil P., A. Zolghadri (2022). The challenge of advanced FDI algorithms for aircraft systems. 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Pafos, Cyprus, 7-10 June 2022.
  • Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2022). Fault tolerant multi-sensor data fusion for autonomous navigation in future civil aviation operations. Control Engineering Practice. (June 2022). pdf file.
  • Apaza-Perez W. A., C. Combastel, I. Walukiewicz, A. Muscholl, A. Zolghadri (2021). Abstraction-based control synthesis for interconnected systems using partial information. The European Journal of Control. pdf file.
  • Apaza-Perez W. A., A. Girard, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Symbolic observer-based controller for uncertain nonlinear systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters. October 2021. Vol. 5, Issue 4. pdf file.
  • Perodou A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Critical-Time Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems subject to Actuator Attacks and Faults. IEEE 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). December 13-15, 2021, Austin, Texas, USA. Presentation, video of the presentation, pdf file .
  • Perodou A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Towards Anomaly-Tolerant Systems by Dissipation Block Synthesis. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France during Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf file .
  • Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Set-based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Integrated Navigation Systems. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France, Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf (paper) – pdf (presentation).
  • Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2021). Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Civil Aircraft IRS/GPS/ILS Integrated Navigation System. European Control Conference (ECC). Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 29 – July 2, 2021. pdf .
  • Apaza-Perez W. A., A. Girard, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Symbolic observer-based controller for uncertain nonlinear systems. American Control Conference (ACC). New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May 26-28, 2021.

Project with Harbin Institute of Technology, China (2023-2024)

This project, officially granted in July 2023, is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to host high-level foreign experts. As part of this program, I am scheduled to conduct seminars/lectures and engage in meetings with Ph.D. students: see at here.

Chinese contact: Dr. Zhenhua WANG, School of Aeronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology (

The world’s top 2% scientists in 2023

Since the first edition in 2020, I have been regularly recognized as one of the top 2% scientists in the world across all fields and subfields of research. This distinction is conferred yearly by Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.

October 2023: As in each year since 2020, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier released a list that represents the most-cited scientists across all fields and subfields of research by analyzing the quality of research cited by other researchers – the World’s Top 2% Scientists. This ranking is based on the bibliometric information contained in the Scopus database, and includes more than 8 million scientists considered to be active worldwide, with 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields taken into account.


Invited plenary speaker at the IEEE CSCC 2023 conference

I will give a plenary talk at the 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2023) conference on Safety and Security Issues in Semi-Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems.

COCOTIER project

COCOTIER (COncept de COckpit et Technologies Intégrées En Rupure, 2019-2023) is a collaborative project on new technologies for future intelligent cockpit in Single Pilot Operations (SPO, 2030+). The project is supported by the French Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) and coordinated by Airbus.

Budget : DGAC support : 17.3 MEuros – Total budget : 34.6 MEuros.

Partners : 14 industrial and academic partners:

  • Industrial partners : Airbus (coordinator) – Dassault aviation – SAFRAN – Thales – ATR – Factem – OKTAL Synthetic Environment – Ratier Figeac – Vodea – Zodiac Aero Electric.
  • Academic partners : IMS Lab (U-Bordeaux)LAAS-CNRS  (Toulouse) – LEAD Lab (Toulouse) – ONERA (French Aerospace Lab) – ENAC (French Civil Aviation University).

IMS project managers : Prof. Ali Zolghadri and Dr. Christophe Combastel. Postdoc fellow: Sara Ifqir (2019-2021); Master students: Martin Faure (2019), Nicolas Bandet (2021).


  • The CC7 meeting of the project will take place on December 13, 2022 at Airbus Toulouse, France.
  • The CC6 meeting of the project took place on June 06, 2022 at Airbus Toulouse, France.
  • The CC5 plenary meeting (all partners) of the project took place on November 29, 2021 at Airbus, Toulouse-France. The IMS presentation during this meeting can be downloaded at here (authorized members only).
  • IMS delivrables:
    • IMS deliverable S5.8.1.3 can be downloaded at here (authorized members only).
    • IMS deliverable S5.8.1.2 can be downloaded at here (authorized members only).
    • IMS deliverable S5.8.1.1 can be downloaded at here (authorized members only).
  • Related publications:
    • Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Set-based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Integrated Navigation Systems. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France, Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf (paper) – pdf (presentation).
    • Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2021). Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Civil Aircraft IRS/GPS/ILS Integrated Navigation System. European Control Conference (ECC). Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 29 – July 2, 2021. pdf .
    • Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2022). Fault tolerant multi-sensor data fusion for autonomous navigation in future civil aviation operations. To appear (June 2022) in Control Engineering Practice. pdf.


“General Chair” & Keynote speaker: Aerospace 2021 conference

I have been “General Chair” of the 2nd International Conference on Aerospace & Aeronautical Engineering, 27-29 September 2021, Lyon, France. During this conference, I gave also a keynote lecture. 











Invited plenary speaker at the IEEE SysTol 2021 conference

I gave a plenary talk at the 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol) 2021. See at here.

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©Ali Zolghadri - 2019