I have the great honor of being appointed a senior member of IUF (Institut Universitaire de France – Fundamental Chair Laureate) for the term 2024-2029 by a decision of the French Minister responsible for higher education, Research and Innovation. See at here.
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Below a selection of some recent papers. See at here for a complete list of my publications.
- X. Wang, A. Zolghadri, C. Wang (2024). Covert Attack Detection and Secure Control for Cyber Physical Systems. To appear in Journal of the Franklin Institute (elsevier).
- A. Zolghadri (2024). A review of fault management issues in aircraft systems: Current status and future directions. Progress in Aerospace Sciences (elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2024.101008. Available online at here.
- Zhang J., Combastel C., Efimov D., Zolghadri A. (2024). Robust Stability Analysis for Continuous-Time Parameter-Varying Persidskii Systems. European Control Conference, 25-28 June, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Arthur Perodou, Christophe Combastel, Ali Zolghadri (2024). Critical-time metric for risk analysis against sharp input anomalies: computation and application case study. Journal of the Franklin Institute (elsevier). Vol. 361, Issue 7, May 2024, pdf file: at here.
- Trapiello C., Combastel C., Zolghadri A. (2024). Verification of Neural Control Systems using Symbolic Zonotopes and Polynotopes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (under revision). Arxiv file: at here
- Wang X., Zolghadri A. (2023). Cover Attack Detection and Secure Control for Cyber Physical Systems.The 22nd IFAC World Congress, 9-14 July, Yokohama, Japan.
- Zolghadri A. (2023). Enhanced single-pilot resource management in future commercial air transport operations. 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) (CoDIT 2023), July 3-6, Rome, Italy.
- Zolghadri A. (2023). Safety and Security Issues in Semi-autonomous Cyber-physical Systems. 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers – IEEE CSCC, Greece, 19-22 July, 2023.
- Zolghadri A. (2022). An advisory assistance system for crew-aided flight status management in Single Pilot Operations. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, New York , USA, 24-28, July, 2022.
- Zolghadri A. (2022). Self-protection and anomaly detection&mitigation for aircraft systems. 26th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers – IEEE CSCC, Greece, 19-22 July, 2022.
Aubouin–Pairault B., A. Perodou, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2022). Resilient tube-based MPC for Cyber-Physical Systems Under DoS Attacks. 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Pafos, Cyprus, 7-10 June 2022.
- Goupil P., A. Zolghadri (2022). The challenge of advanced FDI algorithms for aircraft systems. 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Pafos, Cyprus, 7-10 June 2022.
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2022). Fault tolerant multi-sensor data fusion for autonomous navigation in future civil aviation operations. Control Engineering Practice. (June 2022). pdf file.
- Apaza-Perez W. A., C. Combastel, I. Walukiewicz, A. Muscholl, A. Zolghadri (2021). Abstraction-based control synthesis for interconnected systems using partial information. The European Journal of Control. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcon.2021.11.001. pdf file.
- Apaza-Perez W. A., A. Girard, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Symbolic observer-based controller for uncertain nonlinear systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters. October 2021. Vol. 5, Issue 4. pdf file.
- Perodou A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Critical-Time Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems subject to Actuator Attacks and Faults. IEEE 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). December 13-15, 2021, Austin, Texas, USA. Presentation, video of the presentation, pdf file .
- Perodou A., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Towards Anomaly-Tolerant Systems by Dissipation Block Synthesis. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France during Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf file .
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Set-based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Integrated Navigation Systems. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France, Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf (paper) – pdf (presentation).
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2021). Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Civil Aircraft IRS/GPS/ILS Integrated Navigation System. European Control Conference (ECC). Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 29 – July 2, 2021. pdf .
- Apaza-Perez W. A., A. Girard, C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Symbolic observer-based controller for uncertain nonlinear systems. American Control Conference (ACC). New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May 26-28, 2021.
This project, officially granted in July 2023, is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to host high-level foreign experts. As part of this program, I am scheduled to conduct seminars/lectures and engage in meetings with Ph.D. students: see at here.
Chinese contact: Dr. Zhenhua WANG, School of Aeronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology (zhenhua.wang@hit.edu.cn).
Since the first edition in 2020, I have been regularly recognized as one of the top 2% scientists in the world across all fields and subfields of research. This distinction is conferred yearly by Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
October 2023: As in each year since 2020, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier released a list that represents the most-cited scientists across all fields and subfields of research by analyzing the quality of research cited by other researchers – the World’s Top 2% Scientists. This ranking is based on the bibliometric information contained in the Scopus database, and includes more than 8 million scientists considered to be active worldwide, with 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields taken into account.
I will give a plenary talk at the 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2023) conference on Safety and Security Issues in Semi-Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems.
COCOTIER (COncept de COckpit et Technologies Intégrées En Rupure, 2019-2023) is a collaborative project on new technologies for future intelligent cockpit in Single Pilot Operations (SPO, 2030+). The project is supported by the French Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) and coordinated by Airbus.
Budget : DGAC support : 17.3 MEuros – Total budget : 34.6 MEuros.
Partners : 14 industrial and academic partners:
- Industrial partners : Airbus (coordinator) – Dassault aviation – SAFRAN – Thales – ATR – Factem – OKTAL Synthetic Environment – Ratier Figeac – Vodea – Zodiac Aero Electric.
- Academic partners : IMS Lab (U-Bordeaux) – LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse) – LEAD Lab (Toulouse) – ONERA (French Aerospace Lab) – ENAC (French Civil Aviation University).
IMS project managers : Prof. Ali Zolghadri and Dr. Christophe Combastel. Postdoc fellow: Sara Ifqir (2019-2021); Master students: Martin Faure (2019), Nicolas Bandet (2021).
- The CC7 meeting of the project will take place on December 13, 2022 at Airbus Toulouse, France.
- The CC6 meeting of the project took place on June 06, 2022 at Airbus Toulouse, France.
- The CC5 plenary meeting (all partners) of the project took place on November 29, 2021 at Airbus, Toulouse-France. The IMS presentation during this meeting can be downloaded at here (authorized members only).
- IMS delivrables:
- Related publications:
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri (2021). Set-based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Integrated Navigation Systems. 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol). Saint-Raphaël, France, Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2021. pdf (paper) – pdf (presentation).
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2021). Multi-Sensor Data Fusion For Civil Aircraft IRS/GPS/ILS Integrated Navigation System. European Control Conference (ECC). Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 29 – July 2, 2021. pdf .
- Ifqir S., C. Combastel, A. Zolghadri, G. Alcalay, P. Goupil, S. Merlet (2022). Fault tolerant multi-sensor data fusion for autonomous navigation in future civil aviation operations. To appear (June 2022) in Control Engineering Practice. pdf.
I have been “General Chair” of the 2nd International Conference on Aerospace & Aeronautical Engineering, 27-29 September 2021, Lyon, France. During this conference, I gave also a keynote lecture.
I gave a plenary talk at the 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (IEEE SysTol) 2021. See at here.
I welcome applications for doctoral study and postdoctoral visitors in areas relevant to my research interests for working on challenging scientific projects.
Interested applicants : Possible research topics are: Reachability analysis and safety verification of neural networks — Safety and Security of Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems: new methods and algorithms — Model-based, set-based and data-driven methods for multi-sensor data fusion in navigation systems, with application to future civil aviation operations — Fault diagnosis, fault management, autonomy and resilience issues in future aircraft systems — Symbolic methods for control of complex and non-linear systems …
I am happy also to consider students’ own proposals. If you are interested in a PhD / postdoc position, please email me.
Postdoc 2022 openings
Dr. Carlos Trapiello (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC, Barcelona, Spain) received a research grant from UPC to do a one-year research stay in Bordeaux. See his CV at here.
He will work with Dr. Christophe Combastel and myself on safety and security issues in cyber-physical systems using set membership techniques.
Period : 15 January 2022 — 15 January 2023.
Postdoc 2020-2021 (closed):
Due to coronavirus outbreak, postdoc recruitment in 2020 has been delayed to fall 2020.
- The first call can be downloaded at here. This call is now closed. Dr. Arthour Perodou has been hired since Sptember 2020. See his CV at here.
- Second postdoc position is related to the COCOTIER project. This call is also closed. Dr. Sara Ifqir will be continuing one year more.
postdoc 2019 (closed):
- Sara IFQIR started on December 2, 2019 to work on the COCOTIER Project. See her CV at here.
- After a two-year postdoc position in Bordeaux supported by SysNum, Willy Alejandro Apaza Perez left IMS-lab in May 2020 for L2S-lab (Paris) to continue his research under the supervision of Dr. Antoine Girard. Good continuation Alejandro !